Astrology reveals the medical or health aspect of your life.

Astrology can also predict the medical aspect of your life. Medical astrology is the branch of astrology which deals with the health and longevity of a person. Each planet is associated with the number of possible diseases.
Sixth house in a birth chart is the house of disease and sickness. Eighth house in a birth chart is considered to have a long life in this world. The 1st and 3rd house in a birth chart are also taken together with the 8th house for a long life. The 8th house is the house of end of life. Basically eighth house signifies misfortune, anxiety, accident, surgery, suicide, and danger from disease.
The following houses signifies the cure from a particular disease in an astrological chart:
First house is always an important house when it comes to the health of a person. It signifies physical status, vitality and vigor of a person.
Fifth house is the house of cure. It signifies the improvement in the health of the person or finding a cure to a particular disease.
Each planet is associated with a number of possible diseases. Planets in the flexible signs cause disease of short duration. Common signs are not even short or long. Movable signs affect head, stomach, kidneys and skin. Fixed signs affect throat, heart and blood. Common signs affect lungs, intestines, nerves and digestion.
Signs and parts of the body:
Aries: Head, brain, face
Taurus: Throat, neck, lips, ears
Gemini: Lungs, hands, arms, shoulders
Cancer: Stomach, chest, digestive organs, ribs, elbows
Leo: Heart, back, spine, wrists, forearms.
Virgo: Intestines, lower spine, fingers, abdomen, spleen
Libra: Kidneys, skin, lumbar region
Scorpio: Urinary and generative organs, bladder, pelvis, nose, appendix
Sagittarius: Hips, thighs, nerves, arteries
Capricorn: Knees, joints, bones, teeth, skin
Aquarius: Legs, ankles, circulation of blood
Pisces: Feet, toes, lymphatic system
Planets and organs of the body:
Sun: Heart, back, blood, brain, right eye of a man, left eye of a woman, vitality
Moon: Stomach, uterus, ovaries, saliva, left eye of a man, right eye of a woman
Mercury: Nerves, brain, tongue, speech, lungs, hands, arms, ears, hair
Venus: Throat, internal generative organs, kidneys, ovaries, complexion, veins, cheeks
Mars: External generative organs, nose, fore-head, gall bladder, muscles
Jupiter: Liver, arteries, feet, thighs, arteries, right ear
Saturn: Bones, skin, left ear, joints, teeth
Significations of health:
Ascendant rules the body. The strength and power of the body is represented with the help of the ascendant.
Sun rules the vitality and constitution of the body.
Moon rules the functional system of the body. It is of the utmost importance in the case of a child. It is a very important indicator of health in the chart of a woman.
Sixth house is a house of sickness, ailments and diseases.
Therefore sun, moon, ascendant, the ruler of the ascendant and the 6th house are the significators of health.
Saturn when afflicted in the astrology chart causes diseases like chronic and lingering ailments, dislocations, sprains, falls, blows, rheumatism, colds, chills, bruises. Mars when afflicted in the astrology chart causes sudden diseases, accidents, surgeries, fevers, inflammatory diseases. Jupiter when afflicted in the astrology chart causes liver trouble, blood disorder, ailments arising from excessive eating and indiscretion in diet. Moon when afflicted in the astrology chart causes mental instability or madness. Mercury when afflicted in astrology chart causes trouble in speech and hearing.
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