Can Indian astrology actually predict your future?

Everybody is curious to know about his/her future. According to the astrologers, the science of predicting the future is a very difficult task, but with the help of Vedic Astrology, predicting future has become very easy. It is the most appropriate way to know about your horoscope analysis.

Nowadays astrologers uses online tool to predict future by using information like your place of birth and time. To find out the compatibility between the two individuals for marriage, kundali milan is done by using the information of the horoscope chart of both the persons. An astrologer can easily predict about the person's education, marriage, health, social status, finance etc.

The various aspects of human life are what astrology mainly deals with; such as education, career, marriage, family, children, health, social status, finance, etc. Career is the most important aspect of an individual's life, and to excel in your career one must consult an expert astrologer.

Indian astrology helps to know the best remedial measures from which a person is able to make his/her life more beautiful and happier. It is all connected with our past, present ad future. It is the only way to make better choices along the way in this journey of life. Thus, One can overcome all the problems in his life.

Indian astrology is a science of probabilities where we study the effect of planets on human beings. Astrologers believe that the better future depends on the person's past karmas and present karmas.

Some astrologers has a power of intuition without analyzing the horoscope. This power of intuition is highly respected in the community of astrologers.

Patanjali's Yoga Sutras believe that there exists a Jyotishmati Nadi within a human being and when it is acivated, one can see past, present and future. It requires no knowledge of astrology.

Indian astrology is the study of the planetary movements that have an influence on human beings. Astrology is also known as Hindu astrology, Indian astrology, and more recently Vedic astrology. In astrological consultation people get predictions about their future through horoscope which is known as janamkundali in Indian Astrology. This horoscope is a mirror in which the astrologer can read the past, present and future of a person.

The primary tool that is used to build a horoscope is divided into 12 houses. In these houses, 12 planets and 9 rashis are placed. These 12 houses contain a precise and significant information about the future of the person in a coded language.

Indian astrology holds the spiritual practices, like yoga, prayer and meditation which neutralizes the effects of a bad planets on an astrological chart.

The main function of astrology is to help the person tune in to his own soul. The soul is a field of infinite wisdom and bliss.. According to the astrology, the soul consists of three qualities sat, chit and ananda. The soul is a field of all possibilities. The goal of everybody's life is to be born on this planet whether that person knows it or not, is to realize his soul's potential.


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