Gemstones therapy

Gemstones therapy is another form of healing. It is believed that gemstones carry certain vibrations which when placed within a person's aura, some changes in that aura can be seen. It is believed that the human aura holds nine colors : violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, grey, infra red and ultra violet. If any of these colors are less in human aura which leads to illness. Gemstones heal by restoring the balance of the nine colors.

Gemstones transmit a certain type of wavelength to the body that converts these rays into a chemical form that the body can use to improve its physical and emotional functioning. Gemstones react differently with different people. Therefore, it is important to go to a qualified Vedic astrologer before trying to do this therapy yourself.

The healing properties of gemstones is taken into consideration as far back as the Greek and Egyptian civilizations and in the Vedic period in India. Archaeologists have found evidence of the mining for gemstones in Egypt over 7000 years ago.

According to the Vedas, imbalances can be improved by wearing gems or using them to make medicines which are taken internally. Gemstones also have the ability to decrease the negative influence of the planets on an individual.

The gems that were worn by the kings and queens were not only for the decoration but they were also adorned for their hidden powers which in turn helped to increase the wealth, power and popularity of the wearer. Wearing these gems can provide relief from a wide range of mental, physical, and spiritual challenges.

It is always best to wear high quality round beads around the neck. Some practitioners use gemstones and alcohol together as a remedy. A high quality gemstone is drenched in a solution of diluted alcohol and kept in the dark place for a week. As a result, the vibratory force of the gem penetrates the alcohol, which as a result used as a medicine. Another process includes keeping the gemstone in a glass jar filled with water in the sunlight. The rays of the sun help the water to obtain the vibration of the gemstone and thus the water has a medicinal value.

It is vital that the gems used in therapy should be of the natural origin. Gems that have been treated in a laboratory to improve the color or the clarity of the stone lose their inborn qualities and thus become ineffective.

Gemstone Therapy has been around for centuries and has now gone very common. It’s an another medical technique that includes placing gemstones on the body to take out the negative energy and heal various ailments. The energies from crystals and gemstones escalate our energy that can be used for the better physical and emotional function.

Gemstones are high-vibration crystals that carry their own unique healing vibrations. When these crystals are shaped into a rounded or spherical shape, they can be worn by a person to provide healing therapy.

These days various gemstone beauty treatments are provided in various resorts and spas. Gemstone therapy is available in many new and innovative ways, for example, they are used in facials and aesthetic treatments. The crystals are used in sprays to clean and clear the aura before a spa treatment, and nourish the aura during and after the spa treatments. These gemstone sprays are also used for home use and luxurious spa treatments.

Gemstone Therapy energizes the body and mind, reduces blood pressure and inflammation, releases negative and blocked emotions and also removes toxins from the body.


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